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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who's Going to MINI United? NO ONE!!!

I can't even tell you how disappointed I am but I just found out yesterday that MINI has postponed MINI United until 2012.

Wow, how can a company announce to the world that they are holding an event on a certain date and place, then decide to postpone? I guess they don't care that people made plans, bought plane tickets, rented cars, paid for hotels and took time off from work to attend their event. It's sad really that a big company like MINI can't get their act together to plan an event 2 years off from their last one and that they take their core customer base for granted. Lucky for us that we planned this trip keeping in mind that something like this might happen. Yes I'm disappointed in MINI for getting my hopes up and for taking me as a customer for granted, but we are still going to Europe, MINI United or not.


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