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Friday, April 3, 2009

Finally joined Facebook

Well after much prodding and poking from my sister, friends, nieces etc. to join Facebook, I finally gave in and joined. (actually I joined several months ago, but have been too busy to post about it) I was reluctant to join cuz, I have so many other things going on in my life that I didn't think joining a social network would be a good idea. I figured it would take up the remaining spare time I have left during my already busy days..

At first my fear came true, I pretty much spent all my free time on Facebook trying to find old friends, talking with friends that I reconnected with etc. It's pretty awesome to find someone that you have been thinking about for 20 years and not really sure how to find and then actually find and connect with them... that happened a couple of times already, and my life is better because of it..

It's really cool to see what's going on in my family and friends lives in real time. I have a personal rule, I don't add anyone that I don't personally know and I don't add anyone that I currently work with. Which means that all my friends are actually my friends and not friends of friends, so facebooking is more personal for me... The work thing should be pretty obvious. I have explained this to my friends at work and they totally understand. It's not that I have anything to hide, it's just I don't want to mix my work life with my personal life.

I'm still on Facebook everyday, but now I just leave it logged on and I read whats going on in my friends lives and comment when appropriate. Facebook has not taken over my life like I thought it would but it has enhanced it and I'm glad I joined....


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