This is really weird, I haven't seen my best friend from high school for approx 8 years. We used to see each other every once in awhile at the Disney Studios Commissary but we would just say "Hi" in passing . We never really kept up with each others lives, which is sad because in high school our lives were so entwined. Well, its amazing how Facebook and Myspace can bring people either together or back together. Through some twist of fate, a friend of a friend commented on a Facebook or Myspace account and somehow it got back to my sisters network, it really is a small world, and she arranged for Dorinda to meet us for dinner.
Well last night we met up for dinner, and wow it was the like the past 28 years
(OMG, I didn't realize I'm that old, yikes, that's scary, I never quantified the years before today, that's depressing) disappeared, it was like old times, we got caught up with each others lives, you know the usual stuff about the kids, husband,
(well in my case, my dog and my MINI life), job etc. We talked for hours over an awesome dinner at Skaf's a Lebanese restaurant in Glendale. We talked about AMVIV and how she should go with us to Vegas in Mar, she doesn't have a MINI but I told her that was OK. So she's seriously thinking about going, it should be fun. I hope she does because no one really understands my obsession with my MINI and the club unless they go to one of our outings. While talking we both realized how much alike we are, which is probably why we were best friends in the first place. We promised to keep in touch and meet up on a regular basis. I hope we can meet up and do a MINI event together, its a good thing she doesn't get car sick unless she sits in the back....
Anyway, I'm so happy to have gotten together with my old and dear friend. I can't believe we let 28 years pass before we actually got together again and just talked. As I get older I realize that we do need our friends and that special connection. The really good ones see us through thick and thin, are good listeners and good advisers, are there for the fun times, the bad times and the sad times.. I'm so glad and lucky that I have many good friends, I truly treasure and love them all for their unique personalities and situations....