I’ve never wanted to blog before, actually I didn't even know what a blog was until a friend told me about blogging. Now I think its the perfect way to keep track of my adventures with Niki (Isn’t she cute?) me, my Mellow Yellow Mini Cooper S "Woodstock" and my Stuck on Minis venture.

Considering I bought my car 10 months ago, I'm way behind on the journal so, I'll just give a brief overview of what we've done in the past 10 months.
- March 14th 2008 picked up my much loved all Mellow Yellow 2007 MINI Cooper S "Woodstock", tinted windows 18% back 3 windows and front windshield and 40% 2 side windows, added Sport Stripes and a JCW carbon fiber hood scoop. WOW Woodstock is looking good!!!
- Joined SoCal Mini Maniacs as LUV_WDSTOCK Joined too late to go to AMVIV5 (A MINI Vacation in Vegas)
- Joined North American Motoring as LUV325Ci-MiniCoops
- The first weekend of almost every month me and my copilot NIKI my Skye Terrier head on down to Coogies in Malibu on PCH for the SCMM monthly breakfast. We just hang out, admire our cars, yap and of course, eat
- The second weekend of almost every month I head on down to meet the Maniacs at Ruby's in Long Beach and pretty much do the same thing as we do in Malibu but with different people.
- April, me and approx 40 other Maniacs headed to Bakersfield for the annual Walking the Streets of Bakersfield weekend, this was my first real SCMM outing and wow was it great, we did lots of twisties, I met so many great people and made lots of friends. It was priceless to see the faces of people as 40 MINIS drove by. My poor Niki stepped on a rusty nail or something and her paw got really infected, by the end of the weekend her paw got really big and I had to take her to the emergency room. The vet had to put her under so that he could drain her paw, then she was on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Poor baby I felt soo bad, plus she got a little sick on the twisties, so I think this year I'll leave her home with my mom.
- May, me and my Aunt from Hawaii, and Niki along with approx 50 Maniacs went to the Mission Tiki Drive in to see Speed Racer, the movie wasn't that great, however the maniacs had a blast!!! it was about 101 degrees but it was still a lot of fun, we shared all kinds of munchies and had a dress up your MINI Hawaiian style contest. Woodstock didn't win.
- June, the club held an all MINI car show at the Enderle Center in Irvine, we had approx 110 MINIs, and we raised some money for a charity, I can't remember which one, there were several different prizes for the MINIS. that was a lot of fun too. This years all MINI car show will be held at the same place, and I will be there as vendor for Stuck on Minis Miniac Vinyl Stickers & Things.
- July, I didn't do much with the club, cuz Woodstock was in the hospital for a problem with the clutch, the dealer gave me a Pure Silver Mini Cooper for approx 3 weeks. Me, my mom and my best friend George went to Ventura for our annual 4th of July week. We just hung out, went to the beach and were just bums for an entire week. This is my favorite place to be for the 4th.
- Aug, Hmm, wow, I don't remember what we did in Aug, I think I was preparing to be a first time Stuck On Minis Vendor for the Magical Mystery Mini Tour in San Francisco in Sept. I made tons of stickers to bring with me. Oh, I remember now, we had dealer day at South Bay and Irvine Mini. South Bay provided prizes, pizza and drinks for the Maniacs, after South Bay we all caravanned down to Irvine Mini, which provided and awesome catered tri-tip meal and some really great prizes. Oh geez, who could forget MTTS, I forgot all about that. We had a huge contingent from the Maniacs and had a blast, too bad it was so hot on the blacktop at the Rose Bowl. Later on I found Woodstock in the MTTS article in MC2
- Sep, this was Stuck On Minis very first event as a vendor for the Magical Mystery Mini Tour, and I have to say we did pretty good. We sold lots of stickers and met soo many Mini Owners. Me and my two nieces packed up Woodstock and headed to San Francisco, poor Tiffany she got stuck in the back of the Mini and didn't have much room to move around with all the luggage and stuff. Woodstock was so packed, I had to buy a roof rack and basket so we could pack all the other luggage. That was an awesome trip with approx 350 Mini in all, we took a great run through SF and over the Golden Gate bridge. Later that month we joined the Maniacs for the annual Crusin for a Cure at the Orange County Fair grounds. This event is awesome, there were approx 3000 cars, and the event is held to raise money for Prostate Cancer.
- Oct, approx 50 maniacs went to Solvang for the weekend. That was an awesome trip, it rained a little and once again Woodstock was in the shop so I had a black MCS as a loaner. We did a lot of back country twisties to get to Solvang and I almost lost it in the loaner. (I'm not used to driving and automatic) Later in the month Me and a bunch of other Maniacs did the Italian Job 08 Rally for charity. I designed the rally stickers and we had a great time. Me and my copilot Ladystarlight actually won one of the legs and our team of 5 drivers (Scott, Ken and Sue's son) won the overall prize. The money was donated to the Boy Scouts of America.
- Nov didn't do too much with the club except the regular 1st and 2nd of the month breakfasts
- Dec approx 150 Maniacs got together at South Bay Mini for the annual SCMM Holiday Toys For Tots Christmas party. Everyone brought presents for the Toys For Tots and also for the white elephant gift exchange. The Maniacs really bought some nice gifts, we were only supposed to spend 10.00 but people spent way more money than that. I brought my mom and my two nieces and they had a blast. Woodstock dressed up for Christmas
- Jan SCMM celebrated its 6th anniversary at Santa Anita Race track. All the local dealerships donated raffle prizes. It was a great day, even though I didn't win anything. Actually, Evie, Mostyn & Me won top taggers Starbuck Gift Cards. Thanks SCMM

Ok, I know that was really long, at least I got caught up with the last 10 months, there were many things I left out, like how much I really love hanging with all my Mini Friends. They are like family to me, who would have thought? My Mini has changed my life in a good way, and because of it, I have made lifelong friends and had many cool adventures with many more to come. My next big adventure is AMVIV6. I am currently designing stickers and t-shirts for the event. I can't wait to see 600 MINIS in Las Vegas!!!!
Hey Joanne, this is a great start! I think you summarized your first 10 months as a MINI Maniac very well!
Looking forward to reading more.
Best of luck!
_Dave_ (am0eba)
Cool blog Joanne!
Hey Joanne!
Great blog! I can't wait to read more!
ok i must say pretty good blog!!
and i like the picture of the kids and niki!!!
I really like your blog. Maybe, I will get a blog. Like the mini coopers and everytime I see one I think of you. Niki is a cute girl.
Happy New Year!
I enjoyed reading your blog!
I am so glad you've had fun with your MINI and I know you will continue to have fun with SoCal MINI Maniacs.
Look forward to reading more exploits.
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