The Enderle Center and the SoCal MINI Manics
present the
2nd Annual All MINI/Mini car show at the Enderle Center in Tustin
When: Sat. Jun 13th 2009
Time: Entrants should arrive between 7:00-7:30
Entrance Fee: $10.00
Open to all MINI/Mini cars and their owners
Entrance Fee will benefit the Animal Assistance League of Orange County
Please RSVP to Dan Skorcz:
email: dan@pacific-tek.com
cell: 714-936-9613
or comment to this post and I will rsvp for you
There will be be awards, raffle prizes, and several MINI vendors
Last year's event brought the largest gathering of Maniacs MINIs to one place at one time, we had over 100 cars. We would like to beat that record this year.
You do not have to be a SCMM'r to join in the fun, if you have a MINI/Mini you are more than welcome to register your car and join us for a fun filled day. Actually you don't even have to own a MINI, come out and check out the cars and have some fun.
Oh Yeah, how can I forget, Krispy Kreme will be there giving out free donuts!!!
As of now the following vendors will be there:
Carnuba Store
Tropical Shine
Krispy Kreme - Free Donuts
Hope to see you all there!!!
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