I actually managed to get up at 5:00 am this morning like I was supossed to. We made it to Walmart at 6 on the dot and Robert was already there waiting for us. Evie showed up a few minutes later, then the new guy Bruce was right behind her. We waited until about 6:20 and headed out and was perfectly synced with he O.C group who converged with us at the 605, that was pretty amazing timing.. by the time we reached Barstow we had 10 Minis in our Caravan, which is a pretty respectible turnout considering this is the first time I've ever organized a caravan.
First Potty Stop Victorville
The group stopped in Barstow to eat at Denny's then headed out. They made me the sacrificial lamb and lead car. The drive was great and no one in the group got a ticket, and made it to Vegas in a little over 4 hours even with 3 potty stops. We did hit a really scary sand storm and you couldn't even see the front of your car, luckily it didn't last that long. Our final caravan count was 11..
Denny's Barstow
This is bad, I took this pic while I was driving
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