I just got back from a really nice get together hosted by TwistyBitz Robert and Kitty at their beautiful home. Robert cooked an awesome meal of gourmet Mexican food. The chicken with cheese and carmalized onion and mushroom enchiladas were awesome, and the presentation of the food was so pretty.

Mostyn & Cyndi, Chris & Brittany and Jennifer and Andy along with Robert and his wife, all members of SCMM were there. We spent a nice evening just talking and getting know each other better. I had a great time. Thanks Robert and Kittie!!!

Thanks for the nice words. Kittie and I had a great time with all our guests even if Mostyn did steal all my Grille Badges off my fridge.... ;-)
I always take pics when involved in MINI things but this time I just didn't even think of taking any as, for me, it was more about the company not the MINI.... but, I wish I had now.
Robert, I usually take pictures at all of our Mini events, more so now that I started my blog. If you want any of the pictures of your get together, let me know and I'll email them to you. Say "HI" to Kittie for me
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