Fellow Maniac, Pillar keeping Niki warm
Today was a beautiful but rainy day. I woke up early and me & Niki drove down down Sunset to meet the Maniacs for breakfast at Coogies. It actually didn't start to rain until I hit PCH which was nice, someone up there listened to my request for no rain while I was driving Sunset. Thanks!!!
By the time I got to Coogies it was raining pretty good, so the Maniacs hung out under the covered area by Coogies and just caught up with everyones lives. Since it was raining, I had to leave Niki in the car, she gets cold so I didn't want her wet and freezing. She was wearing her jacket and had her pillow so she was good to go while we ate breakfast. Me and Kenny had the breakfast pizza, it was pizza with bacon, spinach, 3 eggs sunnyside up and feta cheese, it was a really weird concoction but very tasty... As usual it was very nice to see everyone. It won't be long before I see most of them again, since we have our DIY day next Sat. See ya guys then...
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